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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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The Message

The message is clear God is  destroy places & people which he dislike so be on guard using natural calamities.
"Believe In God and Charity Your Save"
Mohammed Haseeb

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Did You Receive Kingdom?

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful
People ask me did you receive kingdom like Solomon? Yes I Received Heaven Kingdom
It's secret Kingdom will come to know slowly its significant and I will definitely try to explain you each everything in detail its very wonderful you will be enjoying and as well as crying

Subhan Allah
Mohammed Haseeb
The Prince
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Thinking Positive

Thinking  Positive will helps to live better life.

But I observe many times  people get into  complexity  using their thinking capacity i consider this is to be problem been polite is good & giving chance to beside person will be good help.

We can Compare
The Light to be Reason & the Darkness to be no Reason.

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I am Guided

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful
People ask me how can we know your guided by events they suddenly appear as eye opening & I follow truth.
I wait for them and they wait for me.

Mohammed Haseeb
The Prince
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Who is Guided?

In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.
People ask me about guidance actually how can we know anyone  is guided  see true comes to everyone who accept it  called guided.
Mohammed Haseeb
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Heat Waves

In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful

The reason behind increase heat waves is due to following jahlia ignorance which means not showing mercy to follow being and using bad words getting into debates when things are clear.

I ask everyone to be  adopt politeness the politeness I believe definitely will minimize

Mohammed Al Mahdi

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The Aim Of Messengers

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful

The whole aim of Messengers is to make man perfect & they want every one to became helper to the world then they depart leaving rest on God thus they are called savior.