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Sunday, September 6, 2015

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Faith Vs Followers

This is very important key for success on spiritually, peace of mind, leading followers to right path and winning the heart of God.

Faith is Believe in God that every good can happen with only help of God it cannot be happen without his will it’s not under our hand.

Followers is who follow you and don’t follow you may be your friend he may like you or may not like you at end of the day what is matter is Faith.

Preach what is right close to perfection; in that way you’re saving your Faith.
So we should not lose Faith and get into darkness there will be no one who can bring you back.

Many thanks to God.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

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The Miracle Of Wise Man

As Long as Wise Man lives in City Natural Calamities Does Not Befall Its Miracle Of Wise Man.
So,Boost the Wise Man in the City.

I was standing today under the shadow of tree and observe peace, tranquility; found tough sun rays
Where all around but not under the tree.

A Wise Man

Tough Sun Rays

The Natural Calamities. 
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The Earthquake

We are often hearing earthquake all around I went to find reason behind it and found it’s due to nonstop quarrelsome of people then increase in their number.

When people quarrel on table without noticing all around them in party or prayer hall some wise man comes and gives jolt on the table suddenly they realize they are in prayer hall.

Jolt : Earthquake.

So,please engage in prayer and work.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

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4 Birds Gives You Honor Of Fly


You have ability to work with team with lovely talk


You love children; a teacher green means a tree


You soft social sweet speech


You very often silent,calm lovely

Am I telling something from my side its inspiration from Allah “The God” its natural healthy lovely get on my ship I am waiting for you and you know my ship is very strong will take you to sea shore.
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2 Birds Gives Honor of Walking Like Prince

Cock Hen

Believe you are walking with Light; a man of reason.
“We can well say angels walking with him”


Believe you are walking with distinct ranks on your shoulder.
“We can well say people honor him; feel peace secure near him”

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The Triangle

We can observe The Triangle in them with marvelous result.


Is he Shy or Not


He is Shy Comes Song of Koel

Tiny Black Ant

I believe let’s make this as principle help him get on ship.

Triangle ABC 
A Crow B Koel C Ant

 “Shyness Bring Nothing But Goodness” Prophet Mohammed 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

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4 Best Friends You Should Never Miss

4 best friends you never knew they are with you let me put some light; with you can study,party,pray lots more

Tiny Red

who believe & defend your very soft ,gentle to every one around you
"this guys are very tiny red ant you can find in your home"

Strong Red Ant

who believe & defend your very strong in faith unbreakable believe in God as well as guide
"this guys are strong red ant you can find in your home or garden or parks"

Blank Ant

who believe & defend your very shy then virgin girl very shy to every one around you
"this guys are tiny black ant you can find in your home or garden or parks"

Red Blackish Ant

who believe & defend your very knowledgeable to every one around you
"this guys are combination of red & black you have to search for them they are not easily found"

"Our this best four friends help us to form better spiritual,social & economic life."

They are many who says your weak,mad,scary,no knowledge you should not keep company with them their is high changes of exploitation

Lastly don't fight but preach my Gospels.

Monday, August 17, 2015

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I am On Board On Right Get On It.

I am On Board On What You See On Right Side Of Slide Show On The Top Of My Blog Get On It Their Will Be many problems what you see on Left Side Of my Slide Show.

Its Doesn't Matter Where Ever You Are Just Be On Right Okay.

Mohammed Haseeb

Implement what you see on right side of my slide show on the top of my blog and do not try to implement on left side of my slide show.

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Two Friends With New BiCycle

Consider their are two friends who got  new bicycle okay one boy takes bicycle drive places he likes then maintain the bicycle like oil,brake etc and another friend drive but never cares for maintenance now tell me who's bicycle will give more life one who maintain or one who do not maintain.

Our Faith is like new bicycle a gift from God. 
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The Mystery Of The Anger

The Anger means hating something its okay but losing self control that will be problem every one knows this the roots of anger is darkness you lose wisdom and thinking capacity.

The word anger is not their in dictionary of Islam.

Prophet Mohammed has taught many ways to control anger like he said if your standing then sit down and also he said drink water(politeness)

ancient wise man consider water to be politeness and anger to be fire and comparison really logical fits,its true we can understand easily.

see we are living in very advance society where politeness is consider as Noble many people received Noble Peace Price because of their politeness isn't don't you like to recognized as noble.

Monday, August 3, 2015

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Speed For Them Doesn't Matter

The speed for them doesn't matter let us know them

Prophet Mohammed
Western Churchill  
Steven Covey
The Neo

Prophet Mohammed 
Believe in the Character

Western Churchill
Believe in living in Peace

Steven Covey
Believe in the Character

The Neo
Its not speed that matters its way we think.

Hey Go Slow Like Tortoise 
And You Win  
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You Can Be Superman

Guidance(The Leader),Wisdom(Thinking Capacity),Patience(Holding The Rock)..

The Leader which Guide Like "go there, sit there, help them ,brush your teeth" 

The Thinking Capacity Compare to Flying Like "escaping everything that is danger for example their will be flood so be prepare"

The Patience Compare to Holding The Rock

Your Super Man  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

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Three Flies Make You Fly

I am talking about mosquito,housefly & butterfly lets have a look

Mosquito Nature
Looking For Blood Means They Need Your More Sacrifice So That They Remain Alive

Looking For Dirty Means They Need Your Bad Character So That They Remain Alive

Looking For Flowers Means They Need Your Good Character So That They Remain Alive.

That's It.

Your Up Go Spiritual Now.

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Jesus Christ Said One God

Kids,Children,Young Boys used to visit Jesus Christ he used to show then many miracles then he used to preach them monotheism that their is only one Allah and there is no 2 or 3 Allah they used to became very happy on hearing this.

Jesus Christ gained such a wisdom we cannot imagine his only work was that in night he used to pray and in day he used to preach.

Parable Of  His Wisdom
Like a very Tall man standing and seeing every part of world their is darkness every where darkness in the east and darkness in the west people praying false god then he used to pray to God for light.    
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Prophet Jacob Just Said Like Muslims

Prophet Jacob been informed by his 11 son that his little sweetheart Joseph is been killed by wolf and he is  no more then he(Jacob) said in replied my son Joseph is Alive i have knowledge from God which you don't 

Muslims been informed by all christian brothers that Jesus Christ is been killed Muslims always say in return he our little sweetheart Jesus Christ is Alive we have knowledge from God which you don't

Muslims are like Prophet Jacob & Prophet Jacob is Like Sun described in Quran. 

Note:Jacob kept on saying this more than 20 years till he met Prophet Joseph as minister of Egypt.

Monday, July 27, 2015

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Open Marriage Proposal

please connect to me

Mohammed Haseeb
Bachelor Of Technology
Software Programmer
Business Man

What's Up : 00919985961571

Their is scarcity of girls in my city so i have kept open.

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Jesus Christ A Prophet

Allah The Lord Of Universe Clarified In Quran Jesus Christ as a Prophet & Messiah and I consider his life just like Prophet Joseph.

Friday, July 10, 2015

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The Mystery Behind The Sink Hole

I consider when people of place sinking into darkness by making make shameful comments of others by use of religion (religion is to help people not put them in problem) we get sink holes and this is mightiest sign of God revealing truth.

And other reason can be  accumulating wealth with luxury life then casual life which is prescribe in Torah,Gospel & Quran.

The Mystery Behind Recent  Sink Holes

Thursday, July 9, 2015

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The Mystery Behind Sinking Of Water At Isabella & All Over The World

I consider water to be knowledge,wisdom & politeness which many people are not adopting it and falling into ignorance & this is mightiest sign revealing truth .

The Mystery Behind Sinking Of  Water At Isabella


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The Mystery Of 'Thousands of Dead Fish' Found Floating

I consider tender fish to be girls which are not been taken care in west as result they are dying either physically or psychologically and this is mighty sign revealing the truth.

The Mystery Behind Thousands Of Dead Fish Found Floating

Monday, July 6, 2015

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The Aim Of Islam

The Whole Aim Of Islam Is to Make World a place where people can travel from one place to another in full peace & security.

Mohammed Al Mahdi

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The First Commandment Of Righteousness

The First Commandment Of Righteousness Given to Muslims Is Greeting Everyone Peace.

Mohammed Al Mahdi

Saturday, July 4, 2015

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O Ali Take Care Of Women & Children's

Ali take care of children & children I am leaving for expedition said Prophet Mohammed

Mohammed Al Mahdi

Friday, July 3, 2015

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What do we understand by the bird The Bat?

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.

The Bat See Sun(Wise Man Guided By God) Whole Day But Not Able to Recognize It When Night Comes He Will Remember The Rays Of Light then Recognize It.Tell his friends he was our friend.

Mohammed Al Mahdi

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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Guide Map

In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful

Please  note i have given complete guide map to Muslim Community.

Mohammed Haseeb
July 01 2015


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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The Message

The message is clear God is  destroy places & people which he dislike so be on guard using natural calamities.
"Believe In God and Charity Your Save"
Mohammed Haseeb

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Did You Receive Kingdom?

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful
People ask me did you receive kingdom like Solomon? Yes I Received Heaven Kingdom
It's secret Kingdom will come to know slowly its significant and I will definitely try to explain you each everything in detail its very wonderful you will be enjoying and as well as crying

Subhan Allah
Mohammed Haseeb
The Prince
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Thinking Positive

Thinking  Positive will helps to live better life.

But I observe many times  people get into  complexity  using their thinking capacity i consider this is to be problem been polite is good & giving chance to beside person will be good help.

We can Compare
The Light to be Reason & the Darkness to be no Reason.

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I am Guided

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful
People ask me how can we know your guided by events they suddenly appear as eye opening & I follow truth.
I wait for them and they wait for me.

Mohammed Haseeb
The Prince
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Who is Guided?

In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.
People ask me about guidance actually how can we know anyone  is guided  see true comes to everyone who accept it  called guided.
Mohammed Haseeb
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Heat Waves

In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful

The reason behind increase heat waves is due to following jahlia ignorance which means not showing mercy to follow being and using bad words getting into debates when things are clear.

I ask everyone to be  adopt politeness the politeness I believe definitely will minimize

Mohammed Al Mahdi

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The Aim Of Messengers

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful

The whole aim of Messengers is to make man perfect & they want every one to became helper to the world then they depart leaving rest on God thus they are called savior.